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Sermon Series List

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Helpful lessons from the first few chapters of 1 Corinthians on what it means to be the church of Jesus.
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Spending Easter unexpectedly in lockdown means a chance to learn more about ourselves, about Jesus, and how to worship ‘together’ in unusual circumstances!
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More lockdown worship and learning, with a different approach to our usual Sundays.
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A collection of sermons on various subjects, reflecting the effect of lockdown and the restrictions on meeting together.
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Christmas hope following a year of uncertainty and disruption to everyday life.
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An encouragement to make time for Jesus in our lives.
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An encouragement to discover more of God through the wilderness times in our lives.
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Helping us to trust God though all the seasons of life.
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The importance of not losing the habit of meeting together as the people of God.

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13


The first few chapters of 1 Corinthians (Life in the Local Church ), a very different experience of Easter (Easter Lockdown), and subsequent online worship (Lockdown Stories and The Lockdown Files), the culmination of a year of uncertainty and disruption (Coronavirus Christmas), an encouragement to make time for Jesus in our lives (Finding Jesus), how to apply our faith to life in the dry and difficult times (Worship in the Wilderness), exploring how God is with us through all seasons of life (Trusting God), and what it means to be the gathered people of God (Meeting Together).

An Encouraging Start
Geoff Cook
1 Corinthians 1:1–9
God has called Christians to holiness and community. Faithfulness to God is a team sport that requires the unity of the church.
Strength and Weakness
Geoff Cook
1 Corinthians 1:18–31
Our lived experience of life is that it is not just about rationality and perception and a reductionist materialism it’s about moral choices and political compromises and emotional engagement and spiritual encounters.
God's Wisdom
Geoff Cook
1 Corinthians 2:1–16
If we’re not connected to Jesus, we can’t possibly make life work. In fact, it’s not just us pursuing Jesus, for Jesus first pursued us.
Spiritual Growth
Geoff Cook
1 Corinthians 3:1–9
Jesus is both Saviour and Lord. Sometimes it’s tempting to think we can inhabit a halfway house between the two. We’re happy for Jesus to be our Saviour, but not so keen on him being our Lord.
On The Frontline
Geoff Cook
1 Corinthians 3:9–15
We are here by divine appointment, and every one of us is necessary to accomplish all of the things that Jesus has for us to do.
The Church is Open
Geoff Cook
1 Corinthians 3:16–23
Living With Uncertainty
Geoff Cook
James 4:13–17
Life is uncertain, unpredictable, brief and fragile. But life is a gift of God.
Resurrection Starts In The Dark
Geoff Cook
John 20:1–16
There's a lot of darkness around. Resurrection happens in the unexpected moment, in the unexpected place, when all seems lost.
Stop Doubting and Believe
Geoff Cook
John 20:24–29
Can a dead person live again? The answer should be 'No!' but because of Jesus, and because of Easter, the answer is actually 'Yes!'
Who Told You About Jesus?
Geoff Cook
Luke 24:1–53
Matthew 28:1–20
Acts 1:1–11
Acts 2:1–47
Who told you about Jesus? Who told them about Jesus? Who are you going to tell about Jesus?
Pass It On
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 10:29 – 12:3
We are invited to take our place in the 'great crowd of witnesses' to our faith in Jesus.
The Power of Worship
Geoff Cook
Matthew 17:1–8
We need times when we can encounter the living God - in all his majesty - through worship.
God Believes In Us
Geoff Cook
Matthew 14:22–33
Our faith is not in a God who promises us an easy life, but in One who meets us in the everyday, and in our fears, and calls us to get involved.
The Mission of Jesus: To Be Continued
Geoff Cook
Acts 1:1–11
Jesus commissions his disciples to be his witnesses, starting where they are and moving out to the ends of the earth.
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Geoff Cook
Acts 2:1–36
Jesus' death and resurrection offer us forgiveness, new life and freedom. God's promised Holy Spirit is the power we need to live for him.
Overcome Evil With Good
Stef Gould
Romans 12:9–21
What does Paul have to say about how we deal with evil?
Who Is My Neighbour?
Dennis Reynolds
Luke 10:25–37
Dennis preaches on Jesus' story of the Good Samaritan.
What Kind of Soil Am I?
Geoff Cook
Matthew 13:1–23
Jesus tells a story, then explains it. And here's the question: What kind of soil am I?
I Believe
Geoff Cook
Matthew 16:13–19
Can you say, I believe in Jesus? With your heart as well as your head? Is your faith in Jesus public, political and powerful?
Take Up Your Cross
Geoff Cook
Matthew 16:21–28
Jesus does not call disciples to himself to make their lives easy and prosperous, but to make them holy and productive. Willingness to take up their cross is the mark of the true disciple.
Together in Community
Geoff Cook
Matthew 18:15–20
It seems out of fashion, even amongst people who regard themselves as Christians, to gather, to meet together, to be in any kind of deep relationship with one another. So, why bother?
How Many Times
Geoff Cook
Matthew 18:21–35
Jesus tells Peter to stop counting, and gives us a story to show that forgiveness is a lifestyle not an equation.
Knowing Jesus
Geoff Cook
Philippians 3:4–14
There isn’t anything more important than Jesus. Jesus is the heart of it all. That’s what faith is.
Walking Like A Philippian
Claire Mason
Philippians 4:1–9
The only way to true joy and peace in adversity is found through Jesus Christ.
God's Love for Others
Stef Gould
1 Thessalonians 1:1–10
Stef kicks off a few weeks of studying 1 Thessalonians.
Put Your Whole Self In
Geoff Cook
1 Thessalonians 2:1–8
When we make room for others in our lives the walls of indifference and apathy come down. When we make room for others we discover the best of others and the best in ourselves.
Encourage, Comfort and Urge
Geoff Cook
1 Thessalonians 2:7–14
What or who encourages, urges or persuades you to be more Christ-like? How might you encourage, comfort and urge others in their faith journey?
Return, Resurrection and Reunion
Geoff Cook
1 Thessalonians 4:13–18
Jesus is the only person to die and live again. The Bible says that if we know Jesus, when we die, we go to be with Jesus. It is as simple as that.
Geoff Cook
1 Thessalonians 5:1–11
Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. In the light of that, what are we to do, how are we to live? Paul gives us three things: Look Up! Wake Up! Buckle Up!
Grace, Compassion and Love
Claire Mason
Matthew 25:31–46
When we serve others, we are serving Jesus.
A Life Shaped By God
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 64:1–9
God is the master at taking a broken world and restoring it, taking broken people and renewing them, reshaping them, recreating them.
Turn Back to God
Stef Gould
Mark 1:1–8
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus.
Dennis Reynolds
John 1:19–28
Dennis preaches about the witness of John the Baptist.
Are We Following in Mary's Footsteps?
Stef Gould
Luke 1:26–38
Stef preaches about Mary's obedience to God.
The Reality of Christmas
Geoff Cook
Luke 2:1–21
The Christmas story is one of gritty reality. Yet this is where our hope lies.
Time for Change
Geoff Cook
Mark 1:4–11
Let's stop, look, listen and learn from Jesus.
Come and See
Geoff Cook
John 1:35–51
We have an invitation to meet the Maker of the Universe.
Only Jesus
Geoff Cook
Mark 1:14–20
Keeping Jesus at the centre of everything we are and do.
Focus on Jesus
Stef Gould
Mark 1:21–27
Stef encourages us to put aside distractions and focus on Jesus.
A Season For Everything
Geoff Cook
Mark 1:29–39
How well balanced is your life? We need to make time for activity and reflection.
A Secret Journey
Geoff Cook
Joel 2:1–16
Lent is really all about us changing our hearts and lives, not our diets.
A Spirit-Led Journey
Geoff Cook
Mark 1:9–13
Deuteronomy 8:1–20
The wilderness is a place of worship and transformation.
A Simple Journey
Dennis Reynolds
Luke 4:1–13
Dennis preaches about Jesus' time in the wilderness.
A Sorrowful Journey
Geoff Cook
Exodus 3:1–10
John 11:20–36
Our God is not blind to our struggles or deaf to our cries. He does not consider it a lack of faith, an insult, or a sin if we choose to be honest with him.
A Sacrificial Journey
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12
Does God demand that we give things up for him, or choose difficult, “sacrificial” paths in order to please him?
A Truth-Speaking Journey
Dennis Reynolds
Ezekiel 37:1–28
Matthew 4:1–11
Dennis preaches about what Israel learned through wandering in the wilderness.
A Surprising Journey
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 11:1–40
Our God is with us through thick and thin. Jesus understands. Trust him.
Geoff Cook
John 20:1–18
Resurrection starts in the dark.
This is The Way
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 30:19–21
Luke 24:13–29
The world does not always reward staying on track — literally or figuratively. But the path we follow is important to God.
Peace for Troubled Minds
Geoff Cook
Luke 24:33–47
"Peace be with you," remains the standard greeting in Israel, so, was Jesus simply saying "hello" when he said "Peace be with you" to His disciples?
One Shepherd, One Flock
Nicole Gordon
John 10:11–18
Nicole preaches about Jesus' saying that he is the good shepherd. who lays down his life for the sheep.
Stay Connected
Geoff Cook
John 15:1–8
Jesus says he is the vine and we are the branches, and that we are to make our home in him. Stay connected to him, and to his people.
Geoff Cook
John 15:9–17
1 John 5:1–5
A love that overcomes, and changes our world. Love one another. Simple. If it’s all so easy, why do we find it so difficult?
Getting to Know God
Stef Gould
John 3:1–17
Stef preaches from John 3 on getting to know God.
Dancing in the Rain
Geoff Cook
Lamentations 3:22–23
Mark 5:21–43
There is a golden thread of lament that runs through the fabric of this week’s readings. It is rich and raw and powerfully expressed, deeply sad and yet strangely full of love and hope.
God Sufficient
Geoff Cook
Mark 6:1–13
2 Corinthians 12:5–10
Not being in control leaves room for God to work; our weaknesses mean we rely on his strength.
Listen Up
Geoff Cook
Mark 6:14–29
The death of John the Baptist is an inspiration and an encouragement to Christians suffering persecution. But to those of us who are not persecuted or imprisoned for our faith it still gives us an example to follow.
Time Out
Geoff Cook
Mark 6:30–34
Mark 6:53–56
According to Mark, times of retreat and refreshment both to rest and to listen to the teaching of Jesus are a vital part of the life of a disciple.
Little By Little
Geoff Cook
John 6:1–21
Little by little, step by step we’re moving forwards into the future God has planned for us.
Just Ask
Geoff Cook
John 6:24–35
Do you want Living Bread? Today? Are you prepared to trust God to provide what you need? Do you need his help in sharing what he has given you?
Have You Had Enough?
Geoff Cook
1 Kings 19:1–9
God meets us at the point of our deepest need. He met Elijah in despair and provided what he needed to continue his life and his work.
What We Need
Stef Gould
John 6:51–58
There's a more fundamental need than our need for food. Jesus is the bread of life.
Meeting Together
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 10:19–25
Online gatherings have been a lifeline, but we must not lose the habit of meeting together.
The Help
Geoff Cook
Psalm 54:1–23
Jesus came to serve us in our weaknesses. He came to rescue us. God sent His son to be the servant we could never be.
Come Let Us Sing!
Geoff Cook
Psalm 95:1–11
Ephesians 5:15–20
Singing helps express and ignite our highest, purest, strongest emotions, as indicators of God’s greatness and worthiness.
One Of Us
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10
Jesus could have used his power as God, but chose the path of humility and experienced our weakness. Because of all of this Jesus can empathise with us and understand us.
A Day To Remember
Geoff Cook
John 11:17–37
Three reasons for Jesus’ weeping at Lazarus’ tomb give us a glimpse of how God sees our suffering and death.
Giving Your All
Geoff Cook
Mark 12:38–44
What stories of generous living and giving can we tell? What further things could we do?
The Invitation
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 55:1–13
We can stop trying to fill our emptiness, trying to prove ourselves and endlessly labouring. We can rest, in the knowledge that we will always be loved.
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