What We Believe

We believe in living out our Christian faith as effectively as possible, having an impact on those who have not yet heard or experienced the great news about Jesus Christ.
We believe we should share the good news about Jesus, equip people in their faith journey and see them live out their faith in the world. Our aim is to encourage one another in living out our Christian faith according to the teaching of the Bible, and to demonstrate the love of God in our community.
There are five things that are important to us at FBC:
Our desire is to worship God wholeheartedly in our everyday life. We expect to see the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit among us. Prayer and knowing the Bible are at the heart of our worship.
We want to serve our local community and engage with the issues of the wider world. We give ourselves, our time and our money to serving others. We work with other churches and organisations when possible.
Our passion is to see many believe in Jesus, be baptised and join the church.
Our relationships demonstrate Christ’s work in our lives. We want to be a welcoming church, drawing each other towards Jesus. Small groups are vital for developing friendships
We want to encourage one another to become mature and full of Christ. We seek to live by the authority of the Bible. We recognise the role of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the church.