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Sermon Series List

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Jonah discovers that God is forgiving and gracious, even to those who we think are undeserving.
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We are a resurrection people! A series exploring how we can live in the light of the resurrection of Jesus.
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No-one can predict what the future holds, but we can face it confidently knowing that Jesus is already there.
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Following Jesus means introducing him to others.
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How can we be more confident about our faith?
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Learning how to engage with God by using Habakkuk as a model.
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How to co-operate with what God is doing.

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13


Our confidence in Christ (Facing the Future), exploring how we might live in the light of the resurrection of Jesus (Resurrection People), the book of Jonah, our responsibility for sharing our faith (Come. See. Tell. Repeat.), how we can be more confident in our faith (Confidence), Habakkuk (Wrestling With God) and Nehemiah.

Don't Panic!
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 43:1–7
God says, 'Don’t panic! I know you, I love you, I will be with you.'
Expect The Unexpected
Geoff Cook
John 2:1–11
Who are we? What is wrong with us? What will put us right? What has Jesus come to do?
Speak Up
Geoff Cook
Jeremiah 1:4–11
The world needs people who will speak out the truth. Will you speak up for Jesus?
Out of our Depth
Geoff Cook
Luke 5:1–11
Are we prepared to go out of our depth and let ourselves get caught up in God’s story?
Upside Down
Geoff Cook
Luke 6:17–26
Jesus speaks of an old world being replaced by a new world; one reality is ending, a new reality is being birthed.
Measure For Measure
Geoff Cook
Luke 6:27–38
Jesus is instructing those who follow Him to "give" themselves to others: with kindness, forgiveness, generous love. We are to be as merciful as God is to us.
Resurrection People
Geoff Cook
Matthew 28:1–10
Will we be spectators, or participants in the life of Jesus? Will we be Resurrection People?
Restructuring Imagination
Geoff Cook
Luke 24:13–35
When we look at the cross, all we can see is defeat. But Jesus transforms our way of looking at the world.
Resurrection Bodies
Geoff Cook
Luke 24:36–49
Jesus' resurrection body gives us hope that our bodies matter, that this created world matters, and that God will resurrect our bodies and his whole creation.
Restoring Work
Geoff Cook
John 21:1–14
Jesus doesn’t call us all to stop work and just be spiritual for the rest of our lives (and on into eternity). He comes alongside us in our work, and breathes his life into it.
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 4:14–16
Jesus' ascension gives us a sure hope that our prayers are heard by one who understands what it means to be human.
Raising Doubts
Geoff Cook
John 20:19–31
Like Thomas, we should not push down our doubts. Instead, we should “doubt our doubts”, hold them up to the light, hold them up to God.
Running From God
Geoff Cook
Jonah 1:1–16
The book of Jonah is the story of God’s love for all the world, and one man’s reluctance to be a part of that plan.
The God Of Second Chances
Geoff Cook
Jonah 1:17 – 3:3
We cannot experience God’s amazing grace, unless we know that without him we are lost and helpless.
A Heart Changed By God
Stef Gould
Jonah 4:1–11
God transforms our hearts through his mercy and love.
One Shall Tell Another
Geoff Cook
Psalm 145:4
Matthew 28:18–20
Who told you about Jesus? Who led you to faith? Who are you now leading to faith?
Geoff Cook
2 Corinthians 5:14–21
Christians are called to be Christ’s ambassadors, appointed by God to bring the news of the gospel.
Come. See. Tell. Repeat.
Geoff Cook
John 1:35–42
Invite others to hear your story, share your faith and so encounter Jesus for themselves.
Choose Life
Geoff Cook
Deuteronomy 30:15–20
Life or death? Blessings or curses? Jesus or not? Choose life!
Convinced of the Truth
Geoff Cook
Romans 8:31–39
Our confidence is not in our faith but in the unwavering love of God in giving his Son on the cross.
Confidence Through Compassion
Geoff Cook
Jeremiah 38:15–20
God wants me, and you, to come to the aid of those stuck in the mud.
Confidence Through Consistent Spiritual Practices
Geoff Cook
Matthew 7:24–25
A life following Jesus, in which we hear his words and put them into practice, requires discipline.
Confidence Through Competence
Geoff Cook
1 Peter 3:15–16
2 Timothy 3:16–17
Our confidence to be messengers of the gospel grows when our hearts and minds are prepared.
How Long?
Geoff Cook
Habakkuk 1:1–4
Lament is an often-neglected biblical prayer language for our travels through this broken world. It’s a language for people of faith who are carrying wounds, doubts, pains, and sorrow.
When God Doesn’t Make Sense
Geoff Cook
Habakkuk 1:5 – 2:1
What do you do when you’ve prayed to God and you don’t like the answer you’ve received? What do you do when God doesn't make sense?
Living Faith
Geoff Cook
Habakkuk 2:2–5
Romans 1:16–17
What does it mean to have living faith? You have to accept the good news of Jesus, receive Jesus’ righteousness through faith, and experience the power of Jesus for salvation.
The Long Silence
Geoff Cook
Habakkuk 2:2–20
Someday this world will be pristine and beautiful again, but it's hard to believe because we live in a world filled with violence and cruelty. God says, “Be quiet now. I am about to judge the earth.”
Geoff Cook
Habakkuk 3:1–19
The kingdom of God is not going to advance by our church becoming filled with people, but by people in our church becoming filled with God.
Restoring The Vision
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 1:1 – 2:20
Nehemiah, going about his ordinary life and work, was chosen by God to get started on a good work. He didn't do it alone, but it didn't happen until he was willing to get started. Allow God to restore his vision in your heart.
Rebuilding The Walls
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 3:1–32
It's not just rebuilding a wall. It's dozens and dozens of people doing their little bit of the wall as well as they know how, to the glory of God. That’s how the purposes of God come about.
Responding To Trouble
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 4:1 – 6:19
When playing our part in the coming of God’s kingdom we will inevitably face trouble and opposition. But God uses these things to build something far more important than a wall: faith.
Reorganising The Team
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 7:1–73
What mattered to Nehemiah was what mattered to God. What has God put into your heart?
Reading the Word
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 7:73 – 8:18
The critical importance of the Word of God for the Christian believer. What does God want to say to you today? What does God want to say to us today?
Recommitting to the Lord
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 9:1 – 12:47
The first few chapters of Nehemiah are just about the building of a wall, but the wall was not the ultimate dream. The grand scheme was for the nation to respond to God’s Word, repent, and restore their relationship with him.
Reforming the People
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 13:1–31
Any church will enter into spiritual entropy and decline when it loses its passion for Jesus. We must ask God to give us a renewed vision of himself, and a renewed vision of what it means to be his church here in Faversham.
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