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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13


How to co-operate with what God is doing.

Restoring The Vision
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 1:1 – 2:20
Nehemiah, going about his ordinary life and work, was chosen by God to get started on a good work. He didn't do it alone, but it didn't happen until he was willing to get started. Allow God to restore his vision in your heart.
Rebuilding The Walls
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 3:1–32
It's not just rebuilding a wall. It's dozens and dozens of people doing their little bit of the wall as well as they know how, to the glory of God. That’s how the purposes of God come about.
Responding To Trouble
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 4:1 – 6:19
When playing our part in the coming of God’s kingdom we will inevitably face trouble and opposition. But God uses these things to build something far more important than a wall: faith.
Reorganising The Team
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 7:1–73
What mattered to Nehemiah was what mattered to God. What has God put into your heart?
Reading the Word
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 7:73 – 8:18
The critical importance of the Word of God for the Christian believer. What does God want to say to you today? What does God want to say to us today?
Recommitting to the Lord
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 9:1 – 12:47
The first few chapters of Nehemiah are just about the building of a wall, but the wall was not the ultimate dream. The grand scheme was for the nation to respond to God’s Word, repent, and restore their relationship with him.
Reforming the People
Geoff Cook
Nehemiah 13:1–31
Any church will enter into spiritual entropy and decline when it loses its passion for Jesus. We must ask God to give us a renewed vision of himself, and a renewed vision of what it means to be his church here in Faversham.
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