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Sermon Series List

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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Resurrection People 

We are a resurrection people! A series exploring how we can live in the light of the resurrection of Jesus.

Resurrection People
Geoff Cook
Matthew 28:1–10
Will we be spectators, or participants in the life of Jesus? Will we be Resurrection People?
Restructuring Imagination
Geoff Cook
Luke 24:13–35
When we look at the cross, all we can see is defeat. But Jesus transforms our way of looking at the world.
Resurrection Bodies
Geoff Cook
Luke 24:36–49
Jesus' resurrection body gives us hope that our bodies matter, that this created world matters, and that God will resurrect our bodies and his whole creation.
Restoring Work
Geoff Cook
John 21:1–14
Jesus doesn’t call us all to stop work and just be spiritual for the rest of our lives (and on into eternity). He comes alongside us in our work, and breathes his life into it.
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 4:14–16
Jesus' ascension gives us a sure hope that our prayers are heard by one who understands what it means to be human.
Raising Doubts
Geoff Cook
John 20:19–31
Like Thomas, we should not push down our doubts. Instead, we should “doubt our doubts”, hold them up to the light, hold them up to God.
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