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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Facing the Future 

No-one can predict what the future holds, but we can face it confidently knowing that Jesus is already there.

Don't Panic!
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 43:1–7
God says, 'Don’t panic! I know you, I love you, I will be with you.'
Expect The Unexpected
Geoff Cook
John 2:1–11
Who are we? What is wrong with us? What will put us right? What has Jesus come to do?
Speak Up
Geoff Cook
Jeremiah 1:4–11
The world needs people who will speak out the truth. Will you speak up for Jesus?
Out of our Depth
Geoff Cook
Luke 5:1–11
Are we prepared to go out of our depth and let ourselves get caught up in God’s story?
Upside Down
Geoff Cook
Luke 6:17–26
Jesus speaks of an old world being replaced by a new world; one reality is ending, a new reality is being birthed.
Measure For Measure
Geoff Cook
Luke 6:27–38
Jesus is instructing those who follow Him to "give" themselves to others: with kindness, forgiveness, generous love. We are to be as merciful as God is to us.
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