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A Little Bit More 

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👤 Geoff

Oh ah, just a little bit,
oh ah, a little bit more . . .

So sang Gina G as the British entry in the 1996 Eurovision Song Contest. Quite forgettable really (except that I’ve remembered it) but in a strange way it reminds me of what I need to be doing as a Christian in the run up to Easter.

The period before Easter in the Christian calendar is, of course, Lent. Beginning with Ash Wednesday (that's today, 5th March this year), lent is traditionally about prayer, repentance, abstinence and generosity. Which is great! But when I stop to think about it, aren't all these spiritual disciplines things that I should be practising all year round? Drawing closer to the Lord through prayer; prioritising time with him above some of the other demands on my life and cutting down (or out) some of things that tend to get in the way; giving up some of my bad habits and allowing the Holy Spirit to get to work on some of my worst traits; giving money away, cheerfully, generously, sacrificially.

We might be tempted to think this doesn’t sound much like fun, but these are all things that will make me more fully alive, vibrant, aware, a real Kingdom person. My attitude to the penitential season is a barometer of how well I am doing at being godly, how serious I am about following Jesus and letting the Holy Spirit mould me, shape me and fill me. As George Herbert suggests in his poem Lent:

True Christians should be glad of an occasion
To use their temperance, seeking no evasion,
When good is seasonable; . .

. . . We cannot reach our Saviour’s purity;
Yet we are bid, ‘Be holy ev’n as he,’
In both let’s do our best . . .

. . . Who goeth in the way which Christ hath gone,
Is much more sure to meet with him, than one
That travelleth by-ways:

I don't want to travel the by-ways. I want to meet with Jesus! Lent is an opportunity for becoming a more Christ-like Christian. It is about getting serious with God – something I should be doing anyway, but during the run up to Easter something I can be doing, as Gina G says, oh ah . . . just a little bit more.

Geoff Cook, 05/03/2025


What must I do?

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👤 Rachel 

This was the question the jailer of Paul and Silas asked. Having seen miracles in prison that caused chains to break and locked doors to open, the jailer’s life was in danger; his work could not save him.  Faced with death he asked the two men, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
The ‘Sirs’ replied, “BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved – you and your household.” There was nothing he could do to save himself, but he must believe in what Jesus Christ had done for him. Acts 16: 25 – 34.

This was the same question the disciples asked Jesus in John 6: 25 – 29. “What must we do?” They had also just witnessed miracles such as the feeding of the five thousand. “What must we do to do the works God requires?” they asked.
Jesus replied, “the work of God is this: BELIEVE in the one he has sent”. He wanted them to believe in his miracles and the identity of the one who did them. 

We might ask God, what must I do? What must I do to be right with you? What must I do to be good enough? What must I do to be saved?
The answer to all these questions, is to BELIEVE. To believe in the miracles that point to the identity of Jesus Christ. To believe in what Jesus Christ has done for you. Like the jailer there is nothing we can do to save ourselves.  

Romans 10: 9 says, “if you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
If we BELIEVE in what Jesus has done and in who he is, then our chains will be broken and the locked doors to life will be opened.

We’ve just celebrated Valentines Day. Perhaps the best example of love is this: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever BELIEVES in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

“What must I do?” becomes a far more important question with eternal significance: “What do you believe?”  

Rachel Taylor, 16/02/2025


The Big Church Clean

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We're holding the Big Church Clean on Saturday 1 March, and we're hoping everyone will come along from 10am to 2pm to help. All ages are welcome!

We are planning to do a sweep of the church premises, with a thorough tidying and cleaning blitz to make sure it's as welcoming as we can make it. There will be odd jobs, maybe the odd bit of decorating and lots of scrubbing. There's even the chance of we may stop for some chips for the hungry workers! Please put the date in your diary and join in.


Running On Empty 

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👤 Geoff

We seem to spend a large proportion of our lives recharging things these days. Phones, games consoles,  ipads, toothbrushes, and now even cars - everything needs to be plugged in and charged up. Even my wonderful Kindle needs to be recharged now and then. There are trailing cables everywhere in our house waiting for the next charge. And why is it that everything needs a different charger?

When our children were younger many things had removable rechargeable batteries, and I had the hardest job keeping on top of all of it all.  I was forever being asked by my children for more batteries. I had two very useful battery chargers, but there was a problem: it was very hard to tell the difference between a charged and uncharged battery from the outside, and I was always muddling them up. Yes, there were some pretty straightforward ways of testing them and sorting out which was which, but when you were drowning in batteries and needed a couple quickly it could be very frustrating.

At Pentecost Jesus' followers learnt a new way in which God could work in their lives giving them the power to do things the like of which they had never dreamt. They learnt how to let God change them and work in their lives. Jesus had told them to wait for 'power from on high', and this was it! The Holy Spirit was poured out on all of them. Fully charged, they went on to transform the known world as they spread the Good News of Jesus.

The Bible says we should all be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) and Wayne Grudem offers this definition:

'Be filled with the Spirit' means to be filled with the immediate presence of God to the extent that you are feeling what God Himself feels, desiring what God desires, doing what God wants, speaking by God’s power, praying and ministering in God’s strength, and knowing with the knowledge that God Himself gives.

Is that true of me? Is that true of you? It occurred to me that, like my batteries, it's impossible to tell at first sight whether we're charged up or not, whether we are full of God's Holy Spirit. It's only when we test the batteries out, get them to do some work, that we discover whether or not there's any power there.

We know that the battery with little or no charge left struggles to generate anything useful. So why do we try to serve the Lord in our own strength? Is it not obvious that we will see little happening if we don't connect to the source of our power? If we insist on 'running on empty' we'll never be living the life God created us for.

The first followers of Jesus experienced it, but what is our experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit? Jesus said we should ask for the Spirit, and that's one thing we can all do: ask to be filled with his Holy Spirit. And let's not forget to go on asking for it, because we have a habit of leaking. 
I've decided that every time I need to charge up my phone (or something or other), I'm going to ask God to recharge me with his Holy Spirit.

Geoff Cook, 21/01/2025


A clean sheet 

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Rachel ðŸ‘¤

The new year is a good time for a clean sheet. Not just on our beds but in our spiritual lives. It’s good to ask God if there is anything from the previous year that needs to be left behind or washed away by God before we can move on.

God has often made sure I have forgiven those who have sinned against me before I move on. It’s very important to God that we forgive others as he has forgiven us (The Lord’s Prayer, Luke 11:4) and in Christ we are forgiven everything since he took the punishment for our sins on the cross.

Some things God has taught me about forgiveness over the years:

We are to forgive even when it is not asked for. Stephen demonstrates this as he was being stoned to death for his faith in Acts 7. Our closure, healing and ability to move on does not depend on an apology from those who hurt us.

Forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation. We can forgive someone who has harmed us, but we do not have to have a relationship with them if there is a risk of them harming us again.

Forgiveness does not negate justice either by society, or by God. Romans 12:19 says “do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord”. When we forgive someone we release them into God’s hands for him to act justly.

Forgiveness is hard and we need God to help us by his Spirit. One of my heroines of the faith is Corrie Ten Boom. In her book ‘The Hiding Place’ she describes in 1947 giving a talk at a church in Munich about forgiveness. After the talk a guard from Ravensbrück concentration camp (where and her sister had been held captive during the war) approached her. Her sister Betsie had died a painful death in Ravensbrück due to the cruel treatment of the Nazis. The guard did not remember Corrie but asked for her forgiveness for the cruel things he had done in Ravensbrück. As the guard stretched out his hand asking for forgiveness, Corrie described her heart as cold. She silently cried out to Jesus for help and stretched out her hand to the guard. As she did so, warmth flooded into her arm and into her heart.

Corrie said in that talk that unforgiveness leads to bitterness. I have found this to be true. Unforgiveness poisons us and causes us to become bitter, revengeful and stuck, unable to move on with our lives.

Lord help us start the year with a clean sheet and forgive others as you have forgiven us.

Rachel Taylor, 07/01/2025


Welcome to 2025

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A happy new year! We're hitting the ground running this new year with all of our regular activities resuming, and some new exciting developments to watch out for. Here's a rundown of some of things that you can get involved with:


Another Route 


👤 Geoff

It's traditional of course to begin the New Year with some resolutions. (When I once asked a congregation whether they had made any, the only person willing to publicly name their intentions indicated that their resolution was to get to church worship on time in future!)

Have you got any resolutions this year? If not, then how about considering the wise men of Matthew 2 as a model as we launch into 2025. Matthew tells us about the epic journey made by an undisclosed number of important characters (though traditionally three)  in tracking down the newborn Jesus. After as much as two years of travelling, these mysterious 'magi' arrive at their destination and meet the young Jesus with his family. An inspiring example of persistent, life-altering faith, they do three things:

They bowed down and worshiped him.

Might 2025 be the year I take seriously what it means to accept Jesus Christ as both Lord and Saviour, worthy of all my worship? In one of her traditional Christmas messages Queen Elizabeth II put it like this:

"Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves - from our recklessness or our greed. God sent into the world a unique person - neither a philosopher nor a general, important though they are, but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God's love.

It is my prayer that . . . we might all find room in our lives for the message of the angels and for the love of God through Christ our Lord."

They opened their treasures.

Jesus spoke about our attitude to money and possessions more than almost anything else.  Might 2025 be the year when I take seriously my responsibility to share what has been entrusted to me for the benefit of others - and not just my money, but my time and talents too?

They returned to their country by another route.

When we acknowledge Jesus as Lord we make a commitment to travel by a different road. Belief is simple, but changing course—or repenting and changing our life attitudes and practices—is often not an easy choice for us to make. Might 2025 be the year when I get serious about discipleship and following Jesus rather than the crowd?

January is a traditional time for making resolutions, self-made promises to change something about our lives.  How about we make this year truly different, to commit to 'another route'?

Geoff Cook, 30/12/2024


Christmas Match of the Day

The Christmas story can be told in so many ways. From last Christmas (2023), here's an attempt to retell the nativity in the style of a football commentator!


Christmas Is Accomplished! 


👤 Geoff

Have you seen Arthur Christmas? It’s been around for a good while now, but it’s still a family favourite, given the thumbs up by every member of our family when the children were younger (an 88% approval rating which is pretty high for us). According to the film’s publicity:

"Arthur Christmas reveals the incredible, never-before seen answer to every child's question: 'So how does Santa deliver all those presents in one night?' The answer: Santa's exhilarating, ultra-high-tech operation hidden beneath the North Pole."

At the heart of the film is a story about a family in a state of comic dysfunction and an unlikely hero, Arthur, with an urgent mission that must be completed before Christmas morning dawns. Every last child on earth must receive their present from Father Christmas, and trouble ensues when it comes to light that one has been missed, a little girl called Gwen from Cornwall. Despite the protest from his brother that "one child doesn't matter" Arthur sets off with Grandsanta to make the overlooked delivery. Will they make it in time? If they do, then and only then will Christmas be accomplished.

When the angel came to the shepherds on that hillside outside Bethlehem, he brought a message: "I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." (Luke 2:10) The message was that a Saviour had been born, and the message was for all the people. All the people. That's you and me and, yes, absolutely everyone. God's mission at Christmas is accomplished only when all of us have at least had the opportunity to receive the gift of Jesus, born to be our Saviour.

Jesus' part in this great mission has already been accomplished. Born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago, he grew up to be crucified to rescue each one of us. As he hung upon the cross he cried out: "It is finished." The Bible says that "With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." (John 19:30)

But Christmas is only accomplished when we respond to the message of good news of great joy. When like the shepherds we get up and go and see what the fuss is all about. When we accept the love of God and the gift of Jesus for ourselves. When we bow down and worship the newborn King. When we take - as seriously as Arthur does in the film - our mission to pass on this good news to everyone we can, and make sure no-one is left out.

So what about you? How do you respond. You see, everyone matters. Every last one of us. I don't think I'm giving too much away to say that in the film Gwen does (eventually) get her present and the North Pole HQ resounds to the exuberant cry of 'Christmas is accomplished'.

Christmas is God's mission to us, to offer us the only gift we will ever really need: Jesus. Have you received your gift? Has Christmas been accomplished?

Geoff Cook, 10/12/2024


Christmas at FBC 

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We're celebrating Christmas at Faversham Baptist Church, and everyone is invited!

On Sunday 22 December at 4pm, we're singing carols, eating mince pies and celebrating the Christmas story. Suitable for all ages, and free for everyone. 

We also have a service on Christmas Day at 10.30am and a service on Sunday 29 December, also at 10.30am.  We'd love to see you!


Is Our Church Doing Well? 

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👤 Geoff

Last week at Cafe Church we were talking about evaluating how well we are doing in our faith. In the same vein, we might want to ask ourselves how well we think our church is doing. This online article by John Ortberg reflects on exactly that question 'How is your church doing?' One thing he writes about is what it actually means for a church to do well:

I was talking with somebody in our church recently about his work. He said: "Publicly we would talk about excellence and quality and service, but the reality was we would wake up every morning and think: 'How can we put the competition out of business?' We didn't put this on our website. But we wanted to demoralise and defeat the competition"

Who is your competition?

It's not other churches. Every church is our partner and ally. Thank God for Lutherans and Episcopalians and Methodists and Quakers and Congregationalists and Non-denominationalists. Jesus, our Founder and Leader, defined the competition: "I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:16ff)

In other words, our competition is hell. Hell is at work wherever the will of God is defied.

Every time a little child is left unloved, unwanted, uneducated, unnoticed. Every time a marriage ends. Every time racial differences divide a street or a city or a church. Every time money gets worshipped or hoarded. Every time a lie gets told. Every time generations get separated. Every time a workplace becomes de-humanizing. When families get broken up. When virtue gets torn down. When sinful habits create a lives of shame or a culture of shamelessness. When faith gets undermined and hope gets lost and people get trashed. That's when hell is prevailing.

It is not acceptable to Jesus that hell prevail. Your job is not to meet a budget, run a program, fill a building, or maintain the status quo. Your job is to put hell out of business.

That's what it means for your church to do well.

Full article: How's Your Church Doing?



Geoff Cook, 08/11/2024


"Get up! Pick up your mat and walk."


👤 Rachel 

Healing is a complex matter. I have found that often Jesus asks us to play a proactive role in our own healing. In John chapter 11 Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead but in vs. 43 Jesus calls to Lazarus to come out of the tomb. Jesus provides the power but he doesn’t go into the tomb to drag Lazarus out, he asks Lazarus to walk out of the darkness.
Jesus often asks us to help each other with our healing. In vs. 44 Jesus asks others to take off Lazarus’ grave clothes and to let him go. Christians were never meant to be isolated and sometimes we cannot get better without the help of others. I have found that others can provide the expertise and gifts to ‘unbind’ me when I cannot do so myself. God has designed it to be that way in the body of Christ.

Jesus also often waits for us to want to be healed. In John chapter 5:6 Jesus meets a man who has been unwell for 38 years. Jesus first question is “do you want to get well?” This may sound strange, but sometimes people are fearful of becoming well when they have been ill for a long time. When I worked in the NHS I commonly found this. We can fear many aspects of becoming well; increased responsibility, reduced attention, wanting to stay where is familiar, change in identity and so on. Therefore the best prayer to start with for many people is that they have the motivation and courage to become well.

Interestingly the man by the pool avoided Jesus’ question saying he had no one to help him get better (vs. 7). As with Lazarus, Jesus once again asks the man first to play a proactive role in his healing by telling him to “get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” (Vs. 8). Often Jesus wants us to take personal responsibility rather than waiting for someone else to make us better.

In my journey of healing, there have been countless ways in which Jesus has asked me to play a proactive role, take responsibility and to “pick up my mat and walk”. Whether to seek counselling, reach out to someone for prayer or help, exercise, take a Sabbath, listen to a podcast and many other examples. Jesus provides the power but he does often ask that we follow his call to walk out of our own darkness. Sometimes I have gaslit God and blamed him for not helping me. But then I usually find that when I am waiting for him, he is actually waiting on me.  

If you think this applies to you, perhaps there is a step God is asking you to take today towards your healing. I pray you will clearly hear Jesus direct you as he gives you his power.

Rachel Taylor, 25/10/2024


God Is Still God 

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👤 Geoff

Last Sunday we saw what happened when Moses had a bad day (Exodus 5:1-23). Moses, having learned to be obedient, did what God asked him to and it blew up in his face. He went to see Pharaoh to deliver God's message ('Let my people go!') but Pharaoh hadn't read the script and said no. To add insult to injury, the Israelite people were forced to make bricks without straw. For details, listen to the sermon.

Not surprisingly, Moses ask the ‘Why?’ question (verse 22). He’s listened to God, and obeyed, and it’s gone wrong. Now his people are suffering more than they were before.

How does that work?

Why do things often get worse before they get better?
Why so much pain and suffering?
Why does God sometimes leave us in the dark?
Why so often does life feel like making bricks without straw?

Tony Campolo directs us to a story by Soren Kierkegaard, the story of a boy trying to learn maths. The teacher gives him a book full of problems to solve. In the back of the book is a list of the answers to the problems, but the teacher tells the boy never to look at the answers in the back of the book, but to work out the answers for himself. However, the boy cheats. He looks in the back of the book. 

Kierkegaard points out that while it is possible for the boy to get good marks this way, he will never really learn mathematics. As difficult as it may prove to be, the only way to become a mathematician is to struggle with the problems themselves, not by using someone else’s answers, even if those answers are the right ones. 

When we are faced with problems, we sometimes wonder why Jesus doesn’t just spell out the answers so that we know exactly what to do.  God doesn’t give us the answers because He wants us to work out the problems for ourselves. It is only by struggling with the problems as they present themselves, day in day out, that we can develop into the kinds of mature people God wants us to be.

Moses was older and wiser now, but he was still a learner. Aren’t we all? It seems that once we become obedient to him, God routinely puts us in impossible situations so that we are reminded again and again that we can’t, but he can.

Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, knew the secret of strength through weakness. Complimented once by a friend on the impact of the mission, Hudson answered,

“It seemed to me that  God looked over the whole world to find a man who was weak enough to do His work, and when He at last found me,  He said, ‘He is weak enough - he’ll do.’” 

All God’s giants have been weak people who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them. Things will work out for Moses, just not in the way he was expecting. Moses discovered, and we can too, that God is still God, even when it’s a bad day, God is still God even when you don’t understand what’s going on, and God is still God even when you’re beginning to think he isn’t.

Geoff Cook, 01/10/2024


The Power of Obedience

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👤 Rachel

Obedience is not always a popular word. I chose to omit the word ‘obey’ from my wedding vows (a topic for another blog!) Maybe the word ‘obedience’ reminds us of strict parents or teachers who threatened us with fear of punishment to “do as I tell you." Maybe we've been hurt by those in positions of authority.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus demonstrated single-minded obedience to God his Father. Jesus chose to be obedient to his Father’s will, not out of fear but because he loved him and trusted him. God blesses us when we obey him, we even read this in the Old Testament such as Deuteronomy 28. Jesus taught we will be blessed when we obey God. Luke 11:28. Jesus obedience to his Father’s will was the secret of the great power that flowed through him to save, heal and free people. It was Jesus’ obedience to God that enabled his victory over the powers of darkness on the cross.

When we obey God, his power will also work through us to accomplish his will, to do tremendous good to people as Jesus did. We can try to use our own power to accomplish our own will instead, but this leads to people getting hurt. This is called abuse of power and sometimes that sadly happens. Jesus chose to lay down his own power and will, instead choosing obedience because he knew God’s way was best.

We have been looking at Moses in the stories of Exodus. Moses sometimes had a problem obeying God. In Numbers 20 the Israelites had no water. God told Moses to speak to a rock and it would pour out water (vs 8). But Moses hit the rock with his staff instead. Water still poured out because God is merciful. It may seem harsh but this act of disobedience cost Moses a lot. He was prevented by God from entering the Promised Land. He had not obeyed God and God therefore could not trust him. Moses was an influential leader of many people and it can be especially costly if leaders do not obey God.

Sometimes we think our way is better because it feels right and is often the easier path, but disobedience to God can cost us and because he honours our freedom, he will give us over to the consequences if we choose our own way. God doesn’t lead us to obey through fear of punishment. He asks us to freely choose obedience out of love for him, knowing that he deeply loves us like he loves his son Jesus. God asks us to obey because he is entirely trustworthy, more so than any person, including ourselves! He is a good Father who asks us to obey because he knows the best path for us and for others.

I’m still glad I didn’t include ‘obey’ in my wedding vows. It is often right to obey people, but the only one I can always obey is God.

Rachel Taylor, 17/09/2024


The Day of Small Things 

Day of Small Things

👤 Geoff

When we lived in Gravesend, one of our neighbours began to rebuild his house from scratch. The house began to take shape, foundations were laid, and for weeks there was the sound of vigorous activity as the walls were framed. Then everybody left - the work stopped. We didn't know why, but for the rest of the time we lived in Gravesend the house stood unfinished on the corner of the street.

Some of God's projects stall, too. Five centuries before Jesus was born, the Israelites returned from exile to find Jerusalem in ruins and their beloved temple destroyed. With great enthusiasm they set about rebuilding it. However, Zerubbabel the governor, got little further than laying the foundation before opposition set in. Neighbours fought the project tooth and nail, finally succeeding in getting a restraining order to halt construction (Ezra 4). Enemies mocked. Supporters became discouraged. For years the site stood silent.

Zerubbabel felt like a failure. His grand dream had fizzled. He was probably like the rest of us when failure looms. We meet further effort with scepticism. We protect ourselves from getting our hopes too high again. We look at the ground rather than the sky, at the past rather than the future.

And then one day a man of God, Zechariah, began to speak words that filled Zerubbabel with fresh hope: "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty . . . The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple, his hands will also complete it" (Zechariah 4:6-7). The project had seemed like an immovable mountain but now with God at work Zerubbabel knew he could finish the temple. The final words of the prophecy jolted him. "Do not despise the day of small things" (v10). He had despised that early start. How weak, how insignificant, how naive he had been. Yet, in spite of all that, God had been in those beginnings.

What little thing, what dream, what false start, might we have despised? Our 'small' church? Our meagre ‘gifts’? Do we despise our failures or apparently insurmountable difficulties? We shouldn't! We should surrender them to the God who delights in taking human weakness and showing his strength. "Not by might, not by power, but my Spirit says the Lord Almighty" (Zechariah 4:6).

And by the way, when we went back to Gravesend a few years later someone had finished that house on the corner of the street.

It looks terrific!

Geoff Cook, 11/09/2024


Coffee + Christ 

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Jesus said, "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me." (Matthew 11:28)

Take a fresh look at Christianity in an informal group for women, meeting on Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:30 at Jittermugs in Faversham.

All welcome, faith or none or somewhere in between. 

For more information, use the form on the Coffee + Christ page


Online Bible

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Hey Church! We are pleased to let you know that our new website comes with an online Bible! Added by our new website provider Hubb.Church ( and powered by YouVersion ( anyone can read the bible online by using the website. 

You can go straight to the app at, or navigating to it on the menu under the Resources tab above.

It's free to use and there are other benefits of signing up to You Version but you can still use it without registering.

If you want to sign up to YouVersion you can take advantage of more features such as reading plans and studies. There are also mobile apps available for this Bible.



Keep Up To Date

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Hey everyone, you can now very easily keep up with all that's going on at church by using our website calendar.

Take a look here.



Summer Psalms 

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👤 Geoff

We've done this before, but we're doing it again! During August we are taking a look at some of the psalms. The Book of Psalms is in the Old Testament and is roughly in the middle of most bibles printed in English. (If you have a bible, try opening it in what you judge to be the middle and see if it works for you!)

The psalms are a compilation of 150 ancient Hebrew poems, songs, and prayers that come from different times in Israel’s history. It's hard to give a general summary because it is a collection of independent pieces of many kinds, serving different purposes and composed over the course of many centuries.  (However, there are some unifying themes and an intentional structure, but that's for another day.) There are individual prayers of praise and thanksgiving, prayers of the community, confessions of confidence in the Lord, hymns in praise of God's majesty and celebrating his universal reign, royal psalms - by, for or concerning the king, pilgrimage songs, liturgical songs, instructional songs.

Most of all the psalms capture all of life, with its ups and downs, and often express real passion and raw honesty - dealing with the triumphs and tragedies, and wrestling with the battles and the suffering that we all face day by day.

Why not make it your goal to read a psalm a day (or maybe one each week) over the course of the summer? And if you want to catch up with some of our previous sermons on the psalms, go to our sermons page, click on 'Advanced Options' (top right, above 'Sort') and search 'Psalms' in the 'Bible Reference' box. Alternatively, click on the links below.

Geoff Cook, 08/08/2024


New Website

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We have a new website!

What do you think? All our latest sermons are uploaded for you to listen to online, along with a searchable archive of our sermons from previous years.

Also, you can view the church calendar and check the dates you are on the rota for various things.

Keep your contact details up to date and connect with other church members online! (Information about this will be coming out in a couple of weeks).

Please send us feedback about our new website. Please visit our Contact Us page to leave feedback. Alternatively (if you are signed in) you can add a comment below.




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