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Sermon Series List

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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

The Lockdown Files 

A collection of sermons on various subjects, reflecting the effect of lockdown and the restrictions on meeting together.

Overcome Evil With Good
Stef Gould
Romans 12:9–21
What does Paul have to say about how we deal with evil?
Who Is My Neighbour?
Dennis Reynolds
Luke 10:25–37
Dennis preaches on Jesus' story of the Good Samaritan.
What Kind of Soil Am I?
Geoff Cook
Matthew 13:1–23
Jesus tells a story, then explains it. And here's the question: What kind of soil am I?
I Believe
Geoff Cook
Matthew 16:13–19
Can you say, I believe in Jesus? With your heart as well as your head? Is your faith in Jesus public, political and powerful?
Take Up Your Cross
Geoff Cook
Matthew 16:21–28
Jesus does not call disciples to himself to make their lives easy and prosperous, but to make them holy and productive. Willingness to take up their cross is the mark of the true disciple.
Together in Community
Geoff Cook
Matthew 18:15–20
It seems out of fashion, even amongst people who regard themselves as Christians, to gather, to meet together, to be in any kind of deep relationship with one another. So, why bother?
How Many Times
Geoff Cook
Matthew 18:21–35
Jesus tells Peter to stop counting, and gives us a story to show that forgiveness is a lifestyle not an equation.
Knowing Jesus
Geoff Cook
Philippians 3:4–14
There isn’t anything more important than Jesus. Jesus is the heart of it all. That’s what faith is.
Walking Like A Philippian
Claire Mason
Philippians 4:1–9
The only way to true joy and peace in adversity is found through Jesus Christ.
God's Love for Others
Stef Gould
1 Thessalonians 1:1–10
Stef kicks off a few weeks of studying 1 Thessalonians.
Put Your Whole Self In
Geoff Cook
1 Thessalonians 2:1–8
When we make room for others in our lives the walls of indifference and apathy come down. When we make room for others we discover the best of others and the best in ourselves.
Encourage, Comfort and Urge
Geoff Cook
1 Thessalonians 2:7–14
What or who encourages, urges or persuades you to be more Christ-like? How might you encourage, comfort and urge others in their faith journey?
Return, Resurrection and Reunion
Geoff Cook
1 Thessalonians 4:13–18
Jesus is the only person to die and live again. The Bible says that if we know Jesus, when we die, we go to be with Jesus. It is as simple as that.
Geoff Cook
1 Thessalonians 5:1–11
Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. In the light of that, what are we to do, how are we to live? Paul gives us three things: Look Up! Wake Up! Buckle Up!
Grace, Compassion and Love
Claire Mason
Matthew 25:31–46
When we serve others, we are serving Jesus.
A Life Shaped By God
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 64:1–9
God is the master at taking a broken world and restoring it, taking broken people and renewing them, reshaping them, recreating them.
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