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Sermon Series List

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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Trusting God 

Helping us to trust God though all the seasons of life.

This is The Way
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 30:19–21
Luke 24:13–29
The world does not always reward staying on track — literally or figuratively. But the path we follow is important to God.
Peace for Troubled Minds
Geoff Cook
Luke 24:33–47
"Peace be with you," remains the standard greeting in Israel, so, was Jesus simply saying "hello" when he said "Peace be with you" to His disciples?
One Shepherd, One Flock
Nicole Gordon
John 10:11–18
Nicole preaches about Jesus' saying that he is the good shepherd. who lays down his life for the sheep.
Stay Connected
Geoff Cook
John 15:1–8
Jesus says he is the vine and we are the branches, and that we are to make our home in him. Stay connected to him, and to his people.
Geoff Cook
John 15:9–17
1 John 5:1–5
A love that overcomes, and changes our world. Love one another. Simple. If it’s all so easy, why do we find it so difficult?
Getting to Know God
Stef Gould
John 3:1–17
Stef preaches from John 3 on getting to know God.
Dancing in the Rain
Geoff Cook
Lamentations 3:22–23
Mark 5:21–43
There is a golden thread of lament that runs through the fabric of this week’s readings. It is rich and raw and powerfully expressed, deeply sad and yet strangely full of love and hope.
God Sufficient
Geoff Cook
Mark 6:1–13
2 Corinthians 12:5–10
Not being in control leaves room for God to work; our weaknesses mean we rely on his strength.
Listen Up
Geoff Cook
Mark 6:14–29
The death of John the Baptist is an inspiration and an encouragement to Christians suffering persecution. But to those of us who are not persecuted or imprisoned for our faith it still gives us an example to follow.
Time Out
Geoff Cook
Mark 6:30–34
Mark 6:53–56
According to Mark, times of retreat and refreshment both to rest and to listen to the teaching of Jesus are a vital part of the life of a disciple.
Little By Little
Geoff Cook
John 6:1–21
Little by little, step by step we’re moving forwards into the future God has planned for us.
Just Ask
Geoff Cook
John 6:24–35
Do you want Living Bread? Today? Are you prepared to trust God to provide what you need? Do you need his help in sharing what he has given you?
Have You Had Enough?
Geoff Cook
1 Kings 19:1–9
God meets us at the point of our deepest need. He met Elijah in despair and provided what he needed to continue his life and his work.
What We Need
Stef Gould
John 6:51–58
There's a more fundamental need than our need for food. Jesus is the bread of life.
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