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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Meeting Together 

The importance of not losing the habit of meeting together as the people of God.

Meeting Together
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 10:19–25
Online gatherings have been a lifeline, but we must not lose the habit of meeting together.
The Help
Geoff Cook
Psalm 54:1–23
Jesus came to serve us in our weaknesses. He came to rescue us. God sent His son to be the servant we could never be.
Come Let Us Sing!
Geoff Cook
Psalm 95:1–11
Ephesians 5:15–20
Singing helps express and ignite our highest, purest, strongest emotions, as indicators of God’s greatness and worthiness.
One Of Us
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10
Jesus could have used his power as God, but chose the path of humility and experienced our weakness. Because of all of this Jesus can empathise with us and understand us.
A Day To Remember
Geoff Cook
John 11:17–37
Three reasons for Jesus’ weeping at Lazarus’ tomb give us a glimpse of how God sees our suffering and death.
Giving Your All
Geoff Cook
Mark 12:38–44
What stories of generous living and giving can we tell? What further things could we do?
The Invitation
Geoff Cook
Isaiah 55:1–13
We can stop trying to fill our emptiness, trying to prove ourselves and endlessly labouring. We can rest, in the knowledge that we will always be loved.
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