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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Lockdown Stories 

More lockdown worship and learning, with a different approach to our usual Sundays. 

Who Told You About Jesus?
Geoff Cook
Luke 24:1–53
Matthew 28:1–20
Acts 1:1–11
Acts 2:1–47
Who told you about Jesus? Who told them about Jesus? Who are you going to tell about Jesus?
Pass It On
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 10:29 – 12:3
We are invited to take our place in the 'great crowd of witnesses' to our faith in Jesus.
The Power of Worship
Geoff Cook
Matthew 17:1–8
We need times when we can encounter the living God - in all his majesty - through worship.
God Believes In Us
Geoff Cook
Matthew 14:22–33
Our faith is not in a God who promises us an easy life, but in One who meets us in the everyday, and in our fears, and calls us to get involved.
The Mission of Jesus: To Be Continued
Geoff Cook
Acts 1:1–11
Jesus commissions his disciples to be his witnesses, starting where they are and moving out to the ends of the earth.
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Geoff Cook
Acts 2:1–36
Jesus' death and resurrection offer us forgiveness, new life and freedom. God's promised Holy Spirit is the power we need to live for him.
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