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Sermon Series List

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Jesus often met people when sharing food. What can we learn from these encounters?
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Learning to experience the life of God through the Holy Spirit.
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A short series comprising one sermon from the first chapter of each of the gospels.
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Using the summer weeks during August to delve into some Psalms.
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God prepares Moses and his people as he takes them on a journey - from where they were, to where he wants them to be.
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A short series of episodes from the early church in Acts inspiring us to prayer and mission.
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The Book of Romans equips us for the adventure of life and faith, and emboldens us to share the Gospel with others.

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Sermons from 2024 

Sermon series from 2024, covering Romans (Making Sense of Life), selections from Acts (Prayer and Mission), the first thirteen chapters of Exodus (The Great Escape), some Summer Psalms and the first chapters of each of the Gospels.

Gospel: How Can We Become Confident In Our Faith?
Geoff Cook
Romans 1:1–17
Romans is not, ultimately, about some big and complicated ideas, but about a person – Jesus Christ. In him all of the promises of Scripture and longings of the human heart find their fulfilment.
Sin: What's Wrong with the World?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 1:18 – 3:23
What’s wrong with the world, and what is the bad news to which the gospel is the answer?
Salvation: What's So Amazing About Grace?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 3:19 – 4:25
Paul helps us understand what God has done to save us through the death of Christ. He then uses the example of Abraham, which inspires us to not only be justified by faith but also to live a life of adventure by faith.
Good News for Heroic Failures
Geoff Cook
Romans 5:1–11
All of us spend our lives looking for peace - with God, with others, with ourselves. You and I, ruined by sin, heroic failures that we are, cannot make peace with God, or for that matter, with one another. But God, through Christ, has already made peace with us. Will you accept it?
Freedom and Transformation
Rachel Taylor
Romans 6:1–14
How does knowing the truth of the gospel empower us to live free from the power of sin?
Hope: What Has God Promised?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 8:14–17
Romans 8:31–39
We do not need to fear. Through Jesus, God has adopted us as his own children - the promised hope of all who put their trust in him.
Mystery: If God Is Sovereign What Is Our Role?
Geoff Cook
Our part in the unfolding mystery of God's eternal plan and purpose is to extend the good news of Jesus to those around us: we BELIEVE Jesus is Lord, we CONFESS Jesus is Lord, and we DECLARE Jesus is Lord.
Devotion: How Can We Live Full on For God?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 12:1–21
In the light of the mercy we have received from God, our lives and our minds are to be made new and we are to offer up our lives as a sacrifice, living in a way that pleases God.
Community: How Can We Live Together In Love?
Geoff Cook
Romans 14:1–21
Let’s learn to disagree agreeably and overcome our judgmental spirits. Let’s make sure we’re dealing with diversity by allowing love to limit our liberty and by focusing on the eternal, not externals.
Mission: How Can We Be Ambitious With The Gospel?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 15:14–33
Paul ends his letter by reminding the church in Rome about their mission, their motivation, and their means by which to share the gospel with others.
To Boldly Pray
Geoff Cook
Acts 4:23–31
Faced with the challenges and opportunities of the hour, boldly praying together is the remarkable, relational, revolutionary, refreshing and right thing to do.
The Priority of Praying Together
Geoff Cook
Acts 6:1–7
Do you believe in prayer? Do you believe in praying together? Or do you struggle to believe in the importance of prayer or that prayer makes a difference?
All In This Together
Geoff Cook
Acts 13:13
Acts 15:36–41
We are free to mess up, make mistakes, fail and disagree, but we need to recapture the thrill and adventure of following Jesus, to throw ourselves completely open to the new things the Spirit of God is doing.
Mission in the Market Place
Rachel Taylor
Acts 17:16–34
God meets us where we are, deals with our fears and opens the door for us to meet people where they are with the Good News of Jesus.
The Birth of Hope
Rachel Taylor
Exodus 1:1 – 2:10
In the waiting, and through the suffering, God is preparing us for the future he has planned.
I Am Who I Am
Geoff Cook
Exodus 3:1–17
Do you think you’re somebody? Or are you disappointed you’re a nobody? Are you ready to find out what God can do with a nobody like me or you?
Longing For God
Geoff Cook
Psalm 42:1–11
How can Psalm 42 help us when we’re feeling low, feeling down, feeling discouraged or depressed?
Build This House
Geoff Cook
Psalm 127:1–5
Ecclesiastes 2:4–11
Unless we are building our lives - or community, or church, or whatever - around the Lord Jesus, our lives and our work will ultimately be empty, without meaning and purpose.
Whiter Than Snow
Rachel Taylor
Psalm 51:1–19
Forgiveness is at the heart of Christian faith. God gives it. Are we ready to receive it?
The Power of Obedience
Rachel Taylor
Exodus 4:1–17
All authority and power belong to God alone. The only thing God requires of us is our willing obedience.
The Importance of Authenticity
Rachel Taylor
Exodus 4:8–31
Like Moses, we need to deal with any 'open episodes' from our past before we can go any further into the future God has in store for us.
God Is Still God
Geoff Cook
Exodus 5:1–23
Moses and the people of Israel are having a bad day. God is still God, even when it's a bad day.
This Is Your God
Geoff Cook
Exodus 7:1 – 10:29
Pharaoh has a heart problem, and God knows our hearts. Don't be like Pharaoh! Jesus is the antidote to a hard heart.
The God Who Rescues
Geoff Cook
Exodus 11:1–10
God is always there in the midst of the mess of human existence, contending with the human condition, dealing with the hardness of our hearts.
God's Plan In Action
Dennis Reynolds
Exodus 12:1–13
On Remembrance Sunday, Dennis shows how the rescue of the Israelites from Egypt as God 'passes over' points to the sacrifice of Jesus for each and every one of us.
Jesus' Family Tree
Geoff Cook
Matthew 1:1–17
Jesus hasn't pitched up out of the blue - his arrival is 1800 years in the coming, and God has been working throughout.
God's Unconditional Love
Rachel Taylor
Mark 1:1–15
God's love for us is not performance based, but our identity in him is sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Do Not Be Afraid
Rachel Taylor
Luke 1:1–38
God often doesn't work how we might want or expect, but we do need to be afraid. His plans are always good and give us the opportunity to grow and know him better.
The Word of Life
Geoff Cook
John 1:1–18
The mind-boggling truth of Christmas is this: Jesus is not God ‘up there’. He's God down here. God with us. God among us.
Invitation to the Dance
Geoff Cook
2 Corinthians 13:14
Genesis 1:1
Ephesians 2:17–18
To say God is three in one is to say God loves us. He wants to draw us into his life and embrace us in the love eternally expressed between Father, Son and Spirit.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Rachel Taylor
1 Corinthians 12:1–14
God offers us the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that we do not operate by human limitation but by divine power.
Filled with the Spirit
Geoff Cook
Ephesians 5:18
Romans 8:1–11
As Christians we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. What does that mean? How would we tell? When did you last ask to be filled with the Spirit?
People of the Spirit
Geoff Cook
1 Corinthians 2:10–16
Too often as Christians we still think like natural people, forgetting the gift of the Spirit that we have been given, which encourages us to seek God’s own wisdom, and forms in us the life of Jesus by his Spirit.
Dinner With Jesus
Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
A three-course meal to begin our Dinner with Jesus series.
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