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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Prayer and Mission 

A short series of episodes from the early church in Acts inspiring us to prayer and mission.

To Boldly Pray
Geoff Cook
Acts 4:23–31
Faced with the challenges and opportunities of the hour, boldly praying together is the remarkable, relational, revolutionary, refreshing and right thing to do.
The Priority of Praying Together
Geoff Cook
Acts 6:1–7
Do you believe in prayer? Do you believe in praying together? Or do you struggle to believe in the importance of prayer or that prayer makes a difference?
All In This Together
Geoff Cook
Acts 13:13
Acts 15:36–41
We are free to mess up, make mistakes, fail and disagree, but we need to recapture the thrill and adventure of following Jesus, to throw ourselves completely open to the new things the Spirit of God is doing.
Mission in the Market Place
Rachel Taylor
Acts 17:16–34
God meets us where we are, deals with our fears and opens the door for us to meet people where they are with the Good News of Jesus.
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