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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Making Sense of Life 

The Book of Romans equips us for the adventure of life and faith, and emboldens us to share the Gospel with others.

Gospel: How Can We Become Confident In Our Faith?
Geoff Cook
Romans 1:1–17
Romans is not, ultimately, about some big and complicated ideas, but about a person – Jesus Christ. In him all of the promises of Scripture and longings of the human heart find their fulfilment.
Sin: What's Wrong with the World?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 1:18 – 3:23
What’s wrong with the world, and what is the bad news to which the gospel is the answer?
Salvation: What's So Amazing About Grace?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 3:19 – 4:25
Paul helps us understand what God has done to save us through the death of Christ. He then uses the example of Abraham, which inspires us to not only be justified by faith but also to live a life of adventure by faith.
Good News for Heroic Failures
Geoff Cook
Romans 5:1–11
All of us spend our lives looking for peace - with God, with others, with ourselves. You and I, ruined by sin, heroic failures that we are, cannot make peace with God, or for that matter, with one another. But God, through Christ, has already made peace with us. Will you accept it?
Freedom and Transformation
Rachel Taylor
Romans 6:1–14
How does knowing the truth of the gospel empower us to live free from the power of sin?
Hope: What Has God Promised?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 8:14–17
Romans 8:31–39
We do not need to fear. Through Jesus, God has adopted us as his own children - the promised hope of all who put their trust in him.
Mystery: If God Is Sovereign What Is Our Role?
Geoff Cook
Our part in the unfolding mystery of God's eternal plan and purpose is to extend the good news of Jesus to those around us: we BELIEVE Jesus is Lord, we CONFESS Jesus is Lord, and we DECLARE Jesus is Lord.
Devotion: How Can We Live Full on For God?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 12:1–21
In the light of the mercy we have received from God, our lives and our minds are to be made new and we are to offer up our lives as a sacrifice, living in a way that pleases God.
Community: How Can We Live Together In Love?
Geoff Cook
Romans 14:1–21
Let’s learn to disagree agreeably and overcome our judgmental spirits. Let’s make sure we’re dealing with diversity by allowing love to limit our liberty and by focusing on the eternal, not externals.
Mission: How Can We Be Ambitious With The Gospel?
Rachel Taylor
Romans 15:14–33
Paul ends his letter by reminding the church in Rome about their mission, their motivation, and their means by which to share the gospel with others.
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