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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Chapter One 

A short series comprising one sermon from the first chapter of each of the gospels. 

Jesus' Family Tree
Geoff Cook
Matthew 1:1–17
Jesus hasn't pitched up out of the blue - his arrival is 1800 years in the coming, and God has been working throughout.
God's Unconditional Love
Rachel Taylor
Mark 1:1–15
God's love for us is not performance based, but our identity in him is sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Do Not Be Afraid
Rachel Taylor
Luke 1:1–38
God often doesn't work how we might want or expect, but we do need to be afraid. His plans are always good and give us the opportunity to grow and know him better.
The Word of Life
Geoff Cook
John 1:1–18
The mind-boggling truth of Christmas is this: Jesus is not God ‘up there’. He's God down here. God with us. God among us.
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