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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Summer Psalms 2024 

Using the summer weeks during August to delve into some Psalms. 

Longing For God
Geoff Cook
Psalm 42:1–11
How can Psalm 42 help us when we’re feeling low, feeling down, feeling discouraged or depressed?
Build This House
Geoff Cook
Psalm 127:1–5
Ecclesiastes 2:4–11
Unless we are building our lives - or community, or church, or whatever - around the Lord Jesus, our lives and our work will ultimately be empty, without meaning and purpose.
Whiter Than Snow
Rachel Taylor
Psalm 51:1–19
Forgiveness is at the heart of Christian faith. God gives it. Are we ready to receive it?
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