Children's Ministry
We love children at Faversham Baptist Church, and there are a range of things to do on Sundays and throughout the week. Our aim is to make sure every child can be themselves in a safe and welcoming environment.
If you have children that you would like to bring to church, we run a specific group just for children on most of our Sunday mornings. We want the kids to have great fun whilst learning more about Jesus and meeting with Him.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays
during term time we run Butterflies Parents and Toddlers from 10.00am to 11.30am.

On Wednesdays during term time from 5.15pm – 6.30pm we run
BB for children (boys and girls) in Year R to Year 5.
If you have any questions about our Children's Ministry or want to know more about bringing your children along on a Sunday then please fill in our
Contact Us form.