Butterflies Parents and Toddlers

Butterflies Parents & Toddlers

Butterflies is the name of our Parent and Toddler Group. We meet every Tuesday and Wednesday during term time from 10.00am to 11.30am. Anyone with a baby, toddler or child up to school age is welcome to come along. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends are all welcome too, but please do not bring older children if they are absent from school.

Our weekly fee is £2 per family. There are toys and play equipment to use, and refreshments (coffee or tea and biscuits for the adults, juice and biscuits or fruit for the children). At approximately 11am the tables are cleared of toys ready for the refreshments to be served. Following refreshments, we usually gather for some simple songs (with our guitarist if he’s available!) before we go home. At Christmas, Harvest and Easter we hold a very simple, short Toddler Service in the church, and we finish the year with a party.

Butterflies is very popular, and there is often a waiting list for places. You are welcome to pop in and see us, and we will be able to tell you if there are places available or add you to the waiting list.

If you would like to know more then please use the form below to contact us:

Contact Form
Please fill in this form and it will be sent to the church office. We will get back to you as soon as we can. (*Mandatory Fields)
*Your Name:
*Email Address:
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