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Articles (4 found)

The Day of Small Things
Ever felt like a failure? We shouldn't! God is at work in our small beginnings and false starts.
Complete in Christ
Jesus is all we need. Sermons from Paul’s letter to the Colossians.
Following Jesus
Episodes from Luke’s Gospel that help us to understand what following Jesus is all about.
Sermon series from 2022-2023: Facing the Future, Resurrection People, Jonah, Come. See. Tell. Repeat., Confidence, Wrestling With God and Nehemiah.

Media (39 found)

Geoff Cook
Our part in the unfolding mystery of God's eternal plan and purpose is to extend the good news of Jesus to those around us: we BELIEVE Jesus is Lord, we CONFESS Jesus is Lord, and we DECLARE Jesus is Lord.
Mystery: If God Is Sovereign What Is Our Role?
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 21/04/2024
  • Length: 0 minute
Rachel Taylor
Paul helps us understand what God has done to save us through the death of Christ. He then uses the example of Abraham, which inspires us to not only be justified by faith but also to live a life of adventure by faith.
Salvation: What's So Amazing About Grace?
Geoff Cook
Romans is not, ultimately, about some big and complicated ideas, but about a person – Jesus Christ. In him all of the promises of Scripture and longings of the human heart find their fulfilment.
Gospel: How Can We Become Confident In Our Faith?
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 18/02/2024
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: Romans 1:1-17
Geoff Cook
The critical importance of the Word of God for the Christian believer. What does God want to say to you today? What does God want to say to us today?
Reading the Word
Geoff Cook
When playing our part in the coming of God’s kingdom we will inevitably face trouble and opposition. But God uses these things to build something far more important than a wall: faith.
Responding To Trouble
Geoff Cook
What does it mean to have living faith? You have to accept the good news of Jesus, receive Jesus’ righteousness through faith, and experience the power of Jesus for salvation.
Living Faith
Geoff Cook
Like Thomas, we should not push down our doubts. Instead, we should “doubt our doubts”, hold them up to the light, hold them up to God.
Raising Doubts
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 12/06/2022
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: John 20:19-31
Geoff Cook
It is in the desperate places that we learn what walking by faith really means, where God teaches us his way. We should expect experiences that make the psalms living and active songs for our desperate souls.
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 13/03/2022
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: Psalm 27:1-14
Geoff Cook
Are we prepared to go out of our depth and let ourselves get caught up in God’s story?
Out of our Depth
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 06/02/2022
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: Luke 5:1-11
Geoff Cook
Our God is with us through thick and thin. Jesus understands. Trust him.
A Surprising Journey
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 28/03/2021
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: Hebrews 11:1-40
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