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Articles (1 found)

Summer Psalms
During August we are taking a look at some of the psalms. Here's a brief introduction and links to previous sermons.

Media (6 found)

Geoff Cook
Unless we are building our lives - or community, or church, or whatever - around the Lord Jesus, our lives and our work will ultimately be empty, without meaning and purpose.
Build This House
Geoff Cook
Life or death? Blessings or curses? Jesus or not? Choose life!
Choose Life
Geoff Cook
Jesus doesn’t call us all to stop work and just be spiritual for the rest of our lives (and on into eternity). He comes alongside us in our work, and breathes his life into it.
Restoring Work
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 22/05/2022
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: John 21:1-14
Geoff Cook
Suppose there is a God who is completely holy, totally good, and all powerful and wise. How would we approach such a God so as to know Him?
How to Live
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 29/08/2021
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: Psalm 15:1-5
Geoff Cook
Every church in every place at every time is in need of reform and renewal. But we need to beware lest we despise the church of God, and are blind to his work in history. We may safely say that God has not abandoned his church.
Mystery and Majesty
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MP3 Audio 11.7MB (38:27)
  • Downloads: 5
  • Recorded: 26/05/2013
  • Length: 38 minutes
  • Reference: Ephesians 3:1-13
Geoff Cook
There is a sentence of death hanging over us and we can’t save ourselves: we need someone else to come in and do what we can’t, and that is to rescue us and put us in our ‘forever family’.
From Death to Life
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MP3 Audio 13.3MB (43:53)
  • Downloads: 5
  • Recorded: 12/05/2013
  • Length: 43 minutes
  • Reference: Ephesians 2:1-10
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