The Power of Obedience

Woman obeying

👤 Rachel

Obedience is not always a popular word. I chose to omit the word ‘obey’ from my wedding vows (a topic for another blog!) Maybe the word ‘obedience’ reminds us of strict parents or teachers who threatened us with fear of punishment to “do as I tell you." Maybe we've been hurt by those in positions of authority.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus demonstrated single-minded obedience to God his Father. Jesus chose to be obedient to his Father’s will, not out of fear but because he loved him and trusted him. God blesses us when we obey him, we even read this in the Old Testament such as Deuteronomy 28. Jesus taught we will be blessed when we obey God. Luke 11:28. Jesus obedience to his Father’s will was the secret of the great power that flowed through him to save, heal and free people. It was Jesus’ obedience to God that enabled his victory over the powers of darkness on the cross.

When we obey God, his power will also work through us to accomplish his will, to do tremendous good to people as Jesus did. We can try to use our own power to accomplish our own will instead, but this leads to people getting hurt. This is called abuse of power and sometimes that sadly happens. Jesus chose to lay down his own power and will, instead choosing obedience because he knew God’s way was best.

We have been looking at Moses in the stories of Exodus. Moses sometimes had a problem obeying God. In Numbers 20 the Israelites had no water. God told Moses to speak to a rock and it would pour out water (vs 8). But Moses hit the rock with his staff instead. Water still poured out because God is merciful. It may seem harsh but this act of disobedience cost Moses a lot. He was prevented by God from entering the Promised Land. He had not obeyed God and God therefore could not trust him. Moses was an influential leader of many people and it can be especially costly if leaders do not obey God.

Sometimes we think our way is better because it feels right and is often the easier path, but disobedience to God can cost us and because he honours our freedom, he will give us over to the consequences if we choose our own way. God doesn’t lead us to obey through fear of punishment. He asks us to freely choose obedience out of love for him, knowing that he deeply loves us like he loves his son Jesus. God asks us to obey because he is entirely trustworthy, more so than any person, including ourselves! He is a good Father who asks us to obey because he knows the best path for us and for others.

I’m still glad I didn’t include ‘obey’ in my wedding vows. It is often right to obey people, but the only one I can always obey is God.

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