Khushi Archive 2012
April 2012: Coming To a School Near You . . .
Schools in Faversham are now booked in for exciting ‘Khushi Feet’ assemblies. Children will have an insight into the life of a street child while being encouraged to consider their own life experiences. They will learn a bit about the street schools in Kolkata and will be briefed on their mission to get involved and raise money for Khushi Feet. After the assemblies, fundraising can begin! We look forward to coming to your school soon.
St Mary of Charity Primary School: Monday 11th June 2012
The Abbey School: Monday 11th & Wednesday 13th June 2012
Bysing Wood Primary School: Tuesday 12th June 2012
Ethelbert Road Primary School: Tuesday 12th June 2012
Davington Primary School: Thursday 14th June 2012
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School: Tuesday 3rd July 2012
April 2012: Youth Club Raising Funds for Khushi
The young people at The Grid Youth Club are already getting exciting about Khushi Feet. They spent last Friday night creating fantastic little blue money boxes from old Pringle pots and will be spending now until Friday 13th July collecting loose change. There will be a prize for the young person who collects the most. If you're in year 6, 7, or 8 at school and want to come along to the Youth Club and learn more about Khushi Feet please contact Sam Cook who runs the club at Faversham Baptist Church.

May 2012: Khushi the Cow Has Arrived!
Here she is relaxing after her long tiring journey. We'll be seeing a lot more of her in the run up to the Khushi Feet weekend.

May 2012: Khushi the Cow at the Jubilee Centre
Weeeeeeeeee! — Khushi the Cow has been out and about at Faversham Jubilee Centre.
May 2012: Faversham Charity Bike Ride

June 2012: Khushi the Cow at the Town Council
Look who popped into the Faversham Town Council Meeting!

July 2012: 'Cash In The Attic' Raises Over £1500
Thank you to those who represented Khushi Feet at the Farming World Car Boot Sale last Sunday morning. Khushi Feet 'Cash in the Attic' collected many items, some of which were sold and raised £55.56.
Many thanks also to everyone who has contributed their unwanted goods to Khushi Feet Cash in the Attic. We have now stopped taking items for this and, with a few things still awaiting auction, we have already raised over £1500.

July 2012: School Visits Complete
Over the last few weeks school children in and around Faversham have had a small insight into the life of a Street Child and have learnt all about the Street Schools in Kolkata, as well as a visit from a very special cow to get everyone excited about Khushi Feet!
July 2012: Khushi Feet Weekend
It's all systems go for the Khushi Feet weekend. Throughout Faversham, a whole range of events designed to celebrate Indian culture and our own Faversham community while helping to support the work done to provide education for street children in Kolkata. Check out the Weekend Programme for more details. And come along to the final Concert for Kolkata on Sunday 15 July at 5pm at the West Faversham Community Centre.
Friday 13 July 2012
Khushi Feet Gig
Alexander Centre
7-9pm Under 16s | £3
9-11pm 16+ | £5
Kicking the Khushi Feet weekend off in style with a gig at the Alexander Centre featuring local bands, including The Roswell Decision and Lite Vinyl! Open to under 16s (7-9pm) and 16+ (9-11pm). It promises to be a great evening.
Saturday 14 July 2012
Khushi Feet Stall
Market Place
All Day | Including Lucky Dip, Khushi Sweets, Cakes, Henna Tattooing
Come and visit the Khushi Feet stall (in the town centre all day Saturday). Get a Henna Tattoo, have a go on the lucky dip, and treat yourself to some Khushi Sweets and Cakes. You may also get the chance to meet Khushi the Cow!
The 'Street School Experience'
Meet at Khushi Feet Stall with a Parent/Guardian
10am or 12noon | Primary School Age | £1
Experience what it is like to live on the streets and go to school in Kolkata. The one-hour session will include a walking 'bus ride', school 'uniform', singing, a simple 'lesson', snacks, fun, and lots of imagination! With Khushi Cow and team.
Khushi Feet Coffee Morning
Faversham Baptist Church (Institute Road Car Park Entrance)
10am - 2pm | Including Chai Tea, Strawberries & Cream, Ice Cream, Photo Display, Bring & Buy Sale
Drop in to the coffee morning at Faversham Baptist Church for a drink (why not try a cup of Chai Tea?), cake and friendly chat. There will be a Bring & Buy sale and a display of photos from Kolkata as well as some delicious Strawberries & Cream and Ice Cream for you to enjoy on a Summer’s day.
Corrine's Creative Kitchen
Market Place
11am & 12noon | 30min Indian Cooking Demonstration
Specialising in the creation of authentic Asian food, Corrine (local cook, Corrine’s Creative Kitchen) will bring the highest quality Indian cuisine to our market place. Feast your eyes on her cooking demonstrations and enjoy tasting her food.
Indian Dance Display & Workshop
Market Place
1-3pm | Ash Mukherjee| BharatyaNatyam Artist | Arunima Kumar | Kuchipudi Artist | Bollywood Dance Workshop
Cutting edge leading Indian dance artists Ash Mukherjee and Arunima Kumar will display various style of Indian dance on the streets of Faversham. There will also be the chance to join in with an all age Bollywood workshop.
Khushi Fit
Jubilee Centre
12 - 6pm | Fitness Suite Drop-in | 50p per 10mins
4 - 6pm | Play Session & BBQ ** | £4
Get fit and support street children at the Jubilee Centre, Faversham Gym Club. From 12noon until 6pm turn up and exercise. Then join in with the fun at Khushi Cow’s adventure play session in the Adventure Play Area. By the end of the afternoon you’ll have worked up an appetite for a hot dog and chocolate muffin! Advance booking recommended, you can sign up and pay at Faversham Gym Club reception.
Slumdog Millionaire Screening
Faversham Baptist Church
7pm | Donations Welcome
At the end of an action packed Khushi Feet day, why not relax and watch a screening of the hit Indian film Slumdog Millionaire? No film screening is complete without pop corn and a nice soft drink!
Sunday 15 July 2012
Traditional Indian Dance Workshop
Faversham Baptist Church
3 - 4pm | Age 11+ | Wear Loose Clothing | £5
If you’ve ever fancied having a go at some Indian dance, now’s your time. No previous dance experience necessary, so book your place on this exciting workshop (run by professional dance teacher Sujata Banerjee) and you may just surprise yourself – it is recommended you wear loose clothing. Limited places are available.
Concert for Kolkata
West Faversham Community Centre
5pm | Tickets - £3 Under-18s, £5 Adults
Including Curry | Free Parking (Sainsbury's Car Park)
Featuring Dancemaker's Queen Tribute, Sam Randhawa Solo Sitarist | Sujata Banerjee Dance Company | Refreshments
Rounding off the weekend at the brand new West Faversham Community. The concert will celebrate the cultural differences between Faversham and Kolkata through a compilation of contrasting acts, including: Dancermakers, solo Sitarist Sam Randhawa and the Sujata Banerjee Dance Academy. Refreshments including curry will also be served. You will be in for a fantastic evening!

Playing at The Old Wine Vaults, Preston Street
July 2012: What a Weekend!
What a weekend it was! There are already exciting plans for future events. But . . . this weekend raised over £5000! Now THAT makes us feel "khushi" :) Let's take a look back at the first ever Khushi Feet Weekend in this highlights video:
October 2012: Coming Soon . . .
October 2012: Faversham Carnival
Last Saturday, at Faversham Carnival, Khushi Feet launched 'Khushi does Bollywood'. Next Summer - 2013 - (date TBC) Khushi Feet will be attempting to break the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for the LARGEST BOLLYWOOD DANCE! And Khushi the Cow needs you! Look out for, bollywood dancing, blue footprints and updates in the coming months.
October 2012: Khushi Does Bollywood Date Finally Revealed
We can finally reveal that the attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the Largest Bollywood Dance will be taking place on Saturday 29th June 2013.
It will take place on The Abbey School field (Faversham, Kent, ME13 8RZ), exact timings TBC. Parking available. The dance will be lead by cutting-edge Indian dancer and choreographer Ash Mukherjee. Ash has danced for Mother Teresa, was hand-picked to duet with Michael Jackson in his 'This Is It!' concert tour, choreographed Katie Melua's music video 'The Flood', and appeared on TV's 'Move like Michael Jackson'.
Make a note of the date and keep yourself free. We need as many people as possible to participate. Everyone is welcome and anyone can do it - absolutely no dance skills required!
Participants will make a donation to take part, with all money raised going via Khushi Feet to street schools in Kolkata.
Invite all your family and friends to come along. Be part of something very exciting and help break a world record in Faversham!