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Articles (1 found)

The Day of Small Things
Ever felt like a failure? We shouldn't! God is at work in our small beginnings and false starts.

Media (5 found)

Geoff Cook
Not being in control leaves room for God to work; our weaknesses mean we rely on his strength.
God Sufficient
Geoff Cook
Our lived experience of life is that it is not just about rationality and perception and a reductionist materialism it’s about moral choices and political compromises and emotional engagement and spiritual encounters.
Strength and Weakness
Geoff Cook
God measures our spiritual progress not by huge battles won or lost but by a thousand daily skirmishes no one else really knows about.
How to Withstand Temptation
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 21/10/2018
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: James 1:12-15
Geoff Cook
Jesus’ followers are invited to be a new community which (unlike Jesus' own family and the scribes) will recognise what God is doing in him, and join him in his crucial work of confronting evil in the world.
Crowd Puller
  • Downloads: 0
  • Recorded: 07/06/2015
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: Mark 3:20-35
Geoff Cook
The world is not the way it should be. Not everything that happens is God’s will. God has an enemy. And it’s so important that it’s the final word in the book of Ephesians.
From Weaklings to Warriors
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MP3 Audio 10.8MB (48:54)
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