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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Mark: Storyteller 

Mark tells us the stories of Jesus, inspiring us to turn and follow. 

A Call To Repent and Believe
Geoff Cook
Mark 1:14–20
Far too often we play Christianity, we do not live it. For many of us it is more of a hobby than a matter of life or death. We have succumbed to our prevailing culture, the culture of pleasure and passivity.
The Authority of Jesus
Geoff Cook
Mark 1:21–28
Jesus speaks with a definitive and moving authority, and acts with life-changing power. Mark wants us to feel in our gut the combination of power and authority in Jesus’ character.
The Ministry of Jesus
John Russell
Mark 1:29–39
What can we learn from the way Jesus ministers to people?
A Paralysed Man
Dennis Reynolds
Mark 2:1–12
Jesus shows compassion to a paralysed man.
The Other Little Donkey
Geoff Cook
Mark 11:1–11
Who do we identify with in the Palm Sunday story? Our best role model here just might be the donkey, to be like the one who literally was the Christ-bearer.
Crowd Puller
Geoff Cook
Mark 3:20–35
Jesus’ followers are invited to be a new community which (unlike Jesus' own family and the scribes) will recognise what God is doing in him, and join him in his crucial work of confronting evil in the world.
Parable Teller
Geoff Cook
Mark 4:26–34
The Jesus revolution is meant to be viral. It starts small, like a weed in a garden, but it spreads. It spreads one life to another, more and more people getting pulled into it. And the harder you try to get rid of it, the faster it spreads.
Rule Breaker
Ruth Matthews
Mark 5:21–43
Jesus demonstrates his love and compassion for people.
A Dark Tale
Geoff Cook
Mark 6:14–29
As Christians we are called to stand up, stand out and make a difference. That is likely to ruffle a few feathers and challenge a few vested interests.
Who's First?
Geoff Cook
Mark 9:30–37
Who wants to be first? First in line for fame and recognition? Or first in line for serving others, even if that means pain and suffering? To be first means to be last, to be a servant. No service is too lowly.
Who Is With Us?
Geoff Cook
Mark 9:38–50
We all know what these words do not mean but we don’t often spend a lot of time wondering what they do mean. Jesus is calling for total commitment here. Jesus' words and ideas in Mark 9 call us all up short.
A Challenging Perspective
Geoff Cook
Mark 10:17–31
Contrary to the dominant voices of our culture, but in keeping with the entire section on discipleship in Mark, this text proclaims the good news that the way to be really rich is to die to ourselves.
Mercy On The Margins (Bart's Story)
Geoff Cook
Mark 10:46–52
In Mark’s eyes Bartimaeus is the model disciple, who is called by Jesus, came to Jesus, believes in Jesus, is saved by Jesus, and followed Jesus along the way. What's your story?
Looking Beyond
Geoff Cook
Mark 13:1–23
Mark 13 is not about the ‘end of the world’. it is about the birth pain, the struggle of labour which happens as God’s kingdom breaks into history, through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, bringing great joy and new life.
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