Sermon Series List

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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Dealing With Dilemmas 

How do we live in the world as Christians? How do we respond to some of the ethical issues of our day? 

Ethical Decision Making
Geoff Cook
Hebrews 5:11 – 63
Ethics covers how to live a good life, our rights and responsibilities, the language of right and wrong, moral decisions - what is good and what is bad. Where, then, are we to turn for moral guidance?
The Bible and Homosexuality
Geoff Cook
Genesis 19:4–8
Ezekiel 16:49
Jude 1:7
Leviticus 18:22 – 20:13
Romans 1:18–28
1 Corinthians 6:9–10
The urgency here is not in getting our theoretical ethics right; it is learning to love people and together finding ways to make our churches counter-cultural communities of love where every person may find true human intimacy and God's healing grace.
Ecology and the Environment
Geoff Cook
Psalm 104:1–35
We must try to discern the balance that God intended for all of the parts of creation to live together interdependently, including the land.
Medicine and Genetics
Geoff Cook
Psalm 139:13–18
How does the conviction that God created human beings in his own image and that God is the giver of life help us to approach ethical issues in the life sciences, medicine and health care?
Business and Economics
Geoff Cook
Matthew 22:15–22
Matthew 6:24
Four out of ten people ‘go to work’ each day and the proportion in Biblical times would not have been very different. What is the place of business within the purposes of God?
War and Peace
Geoff Cook
Romans 12:17 – 13:5
Romans 3:22–24
Romans 3:10–11
Mark 13:7–8
Deuteronomy 2:4–5
Deuteronomy 2:9
Deuteronomy 2:19
Deuteronomy 20:10–12
1 Peter 2:21–23
Matthew 5:9
Matthew 5:44
Isaiah 2:3–4
Revelation 21:3–4
John 19:11
1 Timothy 2:1–4
God clearly is a God of peace and yet there are times when in a sinful and broken world, war seem to be the lesser of two evils.
Social Justice
Geoff Cook
Amos 5:21–24
Proverbs 3:27–28
Luke 10:25–28
1 Timothy 5:3–8
Galatians 6:10
James 1:27
Romans 13:6
2 Thessalonians 3:10–12
Deuteronomy 15:1–2
Proverbs 31:8–9
John 1:14
God is concerned with the just treatment of those who are unable to support themselves in a local community and in society at large.
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