Sermon Series List

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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Revelation of Jesus 

Exploring the revelation of Jesus to John.

Jesus Revealed
Geoff Cook
Revelation 1:1–20
John in exile thinks about the churches under persecution back home and, when praying for them on the Lord's day, hears a voice behind him. God is bringing comfort to his people, the central vision of the Lord Jesus standing in majesty.
Letters From The King
Geoff Cook
Revelation 2:1 – 3:22
A believing community is the context for the life of faith. Jesus is perfect and glorified and good, and the church is a work in progress.
The Heart Of Worship
Geoff Cook
Revelation 4:1 – 5:14
Christian worship is a conviction that we are in the presence of God, an act of attention to the living God who rules, speaks and reveals, creates and redeems orders and blesses.
The Scrolls Of Destiny
Geoff Cook
Revelation 6:1 – 7:17
These and the following chapters of Revelation are not what we want to hear, just as the news from the doctor may not be what we want to hear. But it is what we must hear if the world is to be healed.
The Sound Of Trumpets
Geoff Cook
Revelation 8:1 – 9:21
Revelation shows us, in vivid graphic detail, that the only way to understand the judgement of God is when we come to terms with how real and ugly evil is and what untold havoc and fear it causes in this good and beautiful world that God has made.
Take Courage
Geoff Cook
Revelation 10:1 – 11:19
Throughout the book of Revelation, the call of God’s people is to bear faithful witness to Jesus, even though it will mean suffering, and quite possibly a shameful death.
The Woman And The Dragon
Geoff Cook
Revelation 12:1–17
This is cosmic drama. This is Christmas from a heavenly perspective. John wants to assure his readers that if you remain faithful to Jesus it will cost you, but you will be protected and you will receive the crown of life.
The Two Beasts
Geoff Cook
Revelation 13:1–18
John's aim is to alert his fellow persecuted believers that behind Rome's grandeur, behind the appeal of every secular ideology of whatever century, lurks a beast that is essentially anti-god. But do not be deceived - evil will not go on for ever.
The Triumph Of The Gospel
Geoff Cook
Revelation 14:1–20
God is making all things new. The good news of Jesus defines us, unites us, makes us who we are. It is so momentous, so valuable so foundational, so transformative that whole world views needs to be dismantled and rebuilt around person and achievements of Jesus Christ.
The Seven Bowls
Geoff Cook
Revelation 15:1 – 16:21
We are homing in on the greatest showdown of them all. It is time, now, for the destroyers to be destroyed. God will let evil take its course and bring its own nemesis; and, at a moment which only he is in any position to judge, he will bring the necessary closure on the world’s wrongs.
Downfall Of The City
Geoff Cook
Revelation 17:1 – 18:24
A tale of two cities, contrasting this present world and the new spiritual city, in order to show the true reality of the present and the reality of the future. Poetic symbolism helps us to reimagine the world we live in and its future.
Hallelujah! The Lord Reigns
Geoff Cook
Revelation 19:1–21
John is once again transported into heaven and in his vision, emerging from the dark shadows is the exquisite beauty of an age to come - the beginning of the final outcome of human history.
Reigning With Christ
Geoff Cook
Revelation 20:1–15
There are things in this world that cannot be in the new world that God is in the business of creating if that new world is to be all that he promised it will be. In God's kingdom of justice and joy there is no space for certain acts and attitudes, nor anyone who will not let go of them. Judgement must come before the kingdom can come.
All Things Made New
Geoff Cook
Revelation 21:1 – 22:21
What we have here is the utter transformation of heaven and earth by means of God abolishing, from within both heaven and earth, everything that has to do with the horrible, disgusting and tragic effects of human sin.
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