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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Following Jesus 

Episodes from Luke’s Gospel that help us to understand what following Jesus is all about.

Great Faith
Geoff Cook
Luke 7:1–10
The difference between great faith and little faith is not one of quantity. Faith does not work like that. Faith allows God to do for us and with us what we could never do alone.
The Bigger Debt
Geoff Cook
Luke 7:36–50
If we care about what God has done for us in Jesus, then we will want to love Jesus with all that we are – with our heart, mind and strength.
A Committed Community
Geoff Cook
Luke 9:51–62
The Christian faith is not just believing, it’s about following. And that can be a pretty big ask. To be a Christian is to follow Jesus, whatever the cost.
An Inclusive Community
Geoff Cook
Luke 10:25–37
Everyone wants to be part of a caring church. However, if we are going to be a caring church, the kind of church that makes an impact on people, each of us must learn to care for others.
A Generous Community
Geoff Cook
Luke 12:13–21
The Bible encourages us to be radical, generous people, to be "rich toward God" (and others) because God is our treasure.
Geoff Cook
Luke 15:1–32
We worship a God who regrets our rebellion, runs to us when we return, and restores us when we repent.
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