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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Things That Matter 

 A series about some of the important aspects of Christian faith.

Everyone Matters
Geoff Cook
Luke 15:1–10
From being 1 in a 100, to one in ten, to being one of two sons: you matter. If you are away from God, rest assured that he not only loves you, he is looking for you.
Honesty Matters
Geoff Cook
Luke 16:1–13
If we invested as much time, energy and care in the well-being of our spiritual lives as we do in the advancement of our careers, we would be spiritual giants!
Justice Matters
Geoff Cook
Luke 16:19–31
This story is not about money. It is about roots, the roots of our heart. Where do they reach? What nourishes them? Are our roots tied to earthly treasure?
Faithfulness Matters
Geoff Cook
Luke 17:1–10
It appears that Jesus is setting an impossible goal for the disciples. But does Jesus really mean if we have enough faith we can uproot trees and move mountains?
Thankfulness Matters
Stef Gould
Luke 17:11–19
Stef preaches on the encounter between Jesus and the ten men with leprosy.
Hope Matters
Amanda Pink
Luke 18:1–8
Amanda preaches on Jesus' story of the persistent widow.
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