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Sermon Series List

Most recent talks...

Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

Malachi: Who Cares? 

Malachi’s mandate was to call the people back to a vibrant relationship with the living Lord. Their problem, like ours often is, was not ignorance, but indifference. 

Going Through The Motions?
Geoff Cook
Malachi 1:1–14
If we want to give God our best we must first embrace authenticity. We must stop just going through the motions, refuse to play church, and do whatever it takes to keep the fire burning.
Honouring Our Commitments
Geoff Cook
Malachi 2:1–16
We need to make sure the spiritual is real in our own lives. God’s Word needs to live in us. We must concentrate on our walk with Him more than anything else.
Robbing God?
Geoff Cook
Malachi 3:6–12
God isn’t waiting in church for us to arrive and give him something. God’s running the world that we live in. He’s not just part of our life. He’s all of life.
Taking Stock
Geoff Cook
Malachi 3:13 – 4:6
When we deny that we do or say anything wrong, we will eventually stop serving God. And, when we disengage from our purpose, we will inevitably end up questioning the very justice of God.
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