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Sermon Series List

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Geoff Cook
Luke 14:1–24
Tom Fisk
1 Corinthians 13:1–13

New Start 

God gives us a new start, forgiven and free. 

Taking a Risk
Geoff Cook
Matthew 1:18–25
Let's take a moment to consider the faithfulness of Joseph. Joseph had a dream, awoke in the morning and did what he had to do.
God Is Working his Purpose Out
Geoff Cook
Matthew 2:13–23
This is a difficult story. The point that Matthew is trying to make throughout this passage is that God is working his purpose out in the midst of a world that is dead set against him and his plans.
Turn, Turn, Turn
Geoff Cook
Matthew 3:1–12
To be hurt with the truth is better than to killed by our contentment and indifference. We need a truth that says life does not have to stay like this, a truth that offers hope and a way forward.
Let It Be So
Geoff Cook
Matthew 3:13–17
How can we ensure that we are keeping close to Jesus and following his way?
Moving Forwards
Stef Gould
Romans 8:19–25
The Holy Spirit gives us freedom to move from where we are to where we want to be.
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